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Exhibit Page 8
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Neandertal exhibit page 8. Semi-postal. View larger image. L'evoluzione della Vita (The evolution of life). View larger image. XIII Congresso Internazionale delle Scienze Preistoriche e Protostoriche (8th International Congress of Proto and Prehistoric Sciences). View larger image. Discovered in 1910, the France boasts the largest number of Neandertal fossil remains sites uncovered to date in Europe. View larger image. The Italian examples exhibit some physical characteristics similar to the more northern examples of western Europe and prove the species existed in different climates and many geographic locations. View larger image. View larger image. 1908 Decouverte de l'Homme de la Chapelle aux Saints (Discovery of the Man of St. Chapelle). View larger image. Let's see the location of French finds. Let's see the location of Italian finds.