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Man of the Ice Age

by Fran Adams


Exhibit Synopsis


The subject of early man produces an immediate vision of the Neandertal man. Discovered 150 years ago, they have generated more interest than any other human form in nearly all quarters, lay person to religious person to scientist. After discovering many examples of fossilized remains, we are now able to discuss Neandertal’s true origins and many facets of their life although they’re extinct.


The exhibit presents the Neandertal as we know him today through modern research. Exhibit coverage includes discovery of their fossil remains and mistaken origins, ancestors, physical characteristics, geographic locations, technology, everyday life and modern research.

Material Availability

Postal materials with ‘identifiable’ designs of the Neandertal and his artifacts are relatively few. The total sum of items does not justify a two frame exhibit and is a serious challenge for the exhibitor. All postage stamps issued to date, and most postal stationery, cancels, advertising or commemorative hand and machine cancel designs, as well as postage meters are represented. Inclusion of stamp and stationery issues associated with bona fide stamp issuing governments has been observed.

Philatelic Elements

Elements are an important part of this exhibit and care has been taken to include as many as possible. Philatelically inspired items are minimized and mint or commercially used materials make up the majority of pieces. The following material types are included:

  • Original Design Art
  • Die Proof
  • Design Proof
  • Postage Stamps - definitive, commemorative, airmail, semi-postal, self-adhesive and official issues
  • Souvenir Sheet
  • Margin Inscription
  • Overprint
  • Perforation Variety
  • Precancel
  • Booklet Pane and Cover
  • Registered First Day Cover
  • Commemorative Postal Stationery
  • Printed to Private Order Postal Stationery
  • Commemorative Hand Cancel
  • Rail Cancel
  • Machine Advertising Slogan Cancel
  • Postage Meter Indicia and Specimen
  • Stampless Mail
  • Registration Receipt
  • Destinations and Rates


Thematic and Philatelic References

'Reflections on the Neandertalers'
 Rohrer, G., 1980, Old World Archaeologist (Summer)

'Stone Age Innovations and Inventions'
 Soper, B., 2002, Scott Stamp Monthly

'World of Neanderthal People, The'
 Soper, B., 2007, Old World Archaeologist (Summer)

'The Last Neanderthal'
 Tattersal, I., 1995, Macmillan Inc., New York, N.Y.

'The Neandertals'
 Trinkaus & Shipman, 1992, Alfred A. Knopf Inc., New York, N.Y.

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